Difference Between OSHA 10 and 30 Course

Environmental Responsibilities: A Guide for Everyone

Observing The National Protect Your Hearing Month
Hearing loss is a significant issue in today’s workplaces, especially in environments with loud machinery or constant exposure to high decibel levels. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 22 million U.S. workers are exposed to hazardous noise levels each year.

OSHA’s Important Safety Tips For Winter (2024-2025)

What are Confined Spaces? (Hazards, Precautions and Safety)
From 2011 to 2018, approximately 1,030 workers were killed due to injuries related to confined spaces. Working in these spaces always carries a significant degree of danger. Due to the inherent risks, activities in confined spaces require proper permits and safety training. There are fundamental

Understanding OSHA’s Recordkeeping and Reporting
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is responsible for ensuring workplace safety in almost every industry that exists in the United States. Among the important features of the occupational safety and health regulatory framework of OSHA are those features that have to do with recordkeeping

The Role of Social Media in Spreading Workplace Safety Awareness

Best SST Courses: A Comparative Guide for Workers & Managers
To ensure safety in the construction industry, New York requires specialized Site Safety Training (SST) courses, mandated by Local Law 196 (LL 196). Workers must complete at least 40 hours of training, whereas supervisors are asked to complete 62 hours of online training courses to