What are Confined Spaces? (Hazards, Precautions and Safety)
From 2011 to 2018, approximately 1,030 workers were killed due to injuries related to confined spaces. Working in these spaces always carries a significant degree of danger. Due to the inherent risks, activities in confined spaces require proper permits and safety training. There are fundamental factors that every supervisor and

“FATAL FOUR OSHA” Leading Cause of Deaths in the Construction Industry.
With the rising growth, the industry also contains a very high risk of fatal injuries leading to deaths in the construction industry, which prompts us to write about fatal four OSHA. With over $1,293 billion in capital spending, the United States is one of the world’s biggest construction markets. Construction

Impact of CHIPS Act on Occupational Health and Safety
The CHIPS Act’s success in boosting the construction sector will depend on collaboration among various stakeholders, such as; government agencies, construction companies, labor unions, and safety organizations. OSHA should actively engage with these parties to ensure that safety remains a top priority. Regular communication, joint safety initiatives, and the sharing

Why Your Business Needs a Workplace Safety Training Program
Introduction Workplace safety is an essential aspect of any business, regardless of its size, industry, or location. A comprehensive safety training program not only ensures that employees are protected from accidents and injuries but can also improve productivity, reduce costs, and contribute to a positive work environment. Whether it’s Construction

Enhancing Construction Safety with OSHA Construction Training
Introduction Construction safety is paramount in the industry, as it not only ensures the well-being of workers but also minimizes costly accidents and project delays. As a result, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has established guidelines to promote safe working practices in the construction sector. In this blog

Causes of Car Accidents: How to Avoid Them – 8 Simple Steps
Car accidents have become a leading cause of death in the United States. Each year, they claim over 33,000 lives and cost $230 billion. To reduce these numbers and save lives, it is essential to take preventative measures such as wearing a seatbelt, driving defensively, and not drinking and driving.

Best Guide to OSHA Courses and How They Work in Practice
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a federal agency that regulates workplace safety and health. It has been in existence since 1970, the year of its creation. OSHA is part of the U.S Department of Labor. Approximately 2,550 Federal OSHA inspectors are responsible for the health and safety of

How Environmental Engineering Saves the World
Environmental engineering is the discipline of engineering concerned with saving humans from the harmful impacts of the environment, such as pollution, and enhancing ecological integrity. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, environmental sciences seek to upgrade recycling, disposal of wastes, population health, and air and water pollution management. The

How to Overcome Driver Fatigue
When you don’t get enough or good quality sleep, you can become tired. Driver Fatigue has the same effect as driving under the influence of alcohol. According to a NIOSH poll, 37% of workers get less than the recommended minimum of 7 hours of sleep. Driving is a vital part

How to Avoid Distracted Driving
Distracted driving occurs when a driver is engaged in activities that divert his or her attention away from the road. Distractions during driving put the lives of drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and other drivers at risk. One of the most common forms of distracted driving is the use of a cellular

4 Shocking Cases of Violence in the Workplace
Violence in the workplace is any type of violent act, usually in the form of physical abuse or threat, that puts an employee’s or several employees’ health and safety at risk. To stop such acts, businesses often provide workplace violence prevention education. NIOSH has defined four classifications of workplace violence.