Emergency Response for Multi-Story Buildings
Satisfied Customers
Learning Objectives
- Define the role of a floor warden.
- Identify the risks and challenges involved when working in a multi-story building.
- Identify the components of an Emergency Action Plan.
- Understand and perform the role that bystanders play.
Course Outline
1. Introduction
- Welcome
- Introduction
- Introduction (continued)
- What You’ll Learn Today
2. Floor Warden
- What Is a Floor Warden?
- Floor Wardens
- Knowledge Check: Floor Wardens
3. Types of Events, Risks, and Challenges
- Emergency Events
- Evacuation Cooperation
- Common Challenges
- Accounting for Personnel
- Learning Activity: Stairs vs. Elevators
- Controlled Evacuation
- Mobility-Impaired Individuals
- Panic
- Knowledge Check: Emergency Evacuation
- Knowledge Check: Elevators and Stairs
4. Emergency Action Plan
- Emergency Action Plans
- Learning Activity: Training
- Local Emergency Agencies
- Fire Brigade
- Knowledge Check: Emergency Action Plan
5. Equipment
- Equipment: For the Warden
- Equipment: For the Facility
- Learning Activity
6. Incident Review and Responsibilities
- Incident Review
- Your Responsibilities
- Knowledge Check: Incident Review
- Knowledge Check: Responsibility
7. Conclusion
- Conclusion
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